Assemble responds to the playful tendencies in adults that need nurturing. As our lives become more weighted with responsibility it can be easy to lose sight of nuanced, playful interactions that are open-ended and lack consequence.
In this project Tropezar creators Fiona and Holly seek to redress this balance using jewellery that encourages small moments of play.
It is a gentle nod to Assemble Studio’s 2015 Exhibition The Brutalist Playground, a foam-based architectural reimagining of brutalist playground elements.
After finding great joy in spending time in the brutalist foam structures the pair lovingly borrowed basic shapes and colours to inform their already partially-formed idea for interchangeable, play focussed jewellery.

We foster the opportunity for play through the medium of jewellery. The intention is to initiate a small moment of play first-thing in the morning when you put your jewellery on.

These earrings are made up of different components that can be interchanged to creating a wide variety of combinations of colour and shape. The more sets of earrings, the more combinations can be created.

A gentle reminder of childhood toys such as fuzzy-felt and stacking blocks pieces are designed to tap into our early experiences of play to create little moments of joy within our day.