Reflect, Refract, React strikes out from the static norm by using mirrors to adorn the body rather than view it in.
The wearable mirrored pieces move and flow with body movement creating a performance of light and reflection. The intention is to establish a new and playful relationship with mirrors that shift the focus away from our reflections.

By taking lead from childhood toys such as kaleidoscopes and periscopes, the work produced offers the opportunity to re-establish playful connections with mirrors through movement and performance.
Photography by NDR

Mirrors are culturally synonymous with self-awareness, providing a unique virtual stage in which we play the part of the protagonist, the director and the critic.
Photography by NDR

Suddenly we rediscover the joy in simple movements, conscious only of how our bodies make light dance. Our self-conscious restriction of movement melts away into a playful abandon as we seize the chance to articulate ourselves in new ways.